What's Wrong With This Picture? I'm In It! Part 1: Thirteenth Street Reportory Company
I HAD THE GREAT GOOD FORTUNE of being a member of the Thirteenth Street Repertory Company. While trying my best to learn the craft of acting, in front of a live New York City audiences, by performing in plays, doing stand-up, telling my stories, just being myself. People at the Rep., suggested that I should jot my little stories down. Perhaps something good could come of it.
Some of those very stories, were developed into the play 'What’s wrong with this picture? I’m in it!'. A comedic look back at my life, my family, and some of the women I’ve been ‘lucky’ enough to have met in my life. Initially the play was envisioned as a one man show, but, it quickly developed into a full fledged show, featuring many other characters.
Greg Vorob, was one of the actor/directors at the rep., who had heard my stories, and lucky for me, he agreed to direct the show, and helped guide it throughout its development. The play was first showcased at the Thirteenth Street Repertory Company, in three readings, each followed by a Q&A. It was then produced, as a full blown play & premiered in August of 2003., where it ran for five weeks, with three performances per week.
What's Wrong With This Picture? I'm In It! Part 2 : The New York International Fringe Festival

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AFTER ITS SUCCESSFUL PREMIERE at The Thirteenth Street Repertory Company. A revised version of the play, was accepted into, and produced during The 2004 New York International Fringe Festival, and showcased at The Soho Playhouse in New York City. During this run, I got the chance to play Russel, the lead. So not only did I write the play, and produce the show at the Fringe, I finally got the chance to play the lead....
This production was directed again by Greg Vorob, and features: David Thomas Crowe as Oscar, Louisa Poster as Beatrice/Yenta, Noelle Pastier as Becky/Joanne, Jiffy Reed as Anita/Rosemary, Gladys Murphy as The Nun/ Shirley, Erika Sumner as Cynthia/Teresa, Cheniqua Carr as Renee, Karen Rousso as Martha, and yours truly, Neil Feigeles as Russel. For those who don't know, my middle name is Russel.
Showcased above for your viewing pleasure, is the '2004 New York International Fringe Festival' production of the show! It runs approximately 1 hour long. Showcased below are scenes from the show featuring the cast, and yours truly.
NOT BAD FOR A FIRST TIME PLAYWRIGHT. I've adapted and written a screenplay for: What’s wrong with this picture? I’m in it!
and now its just awaiting a wonderful producer to say hi…