Designs | Patterns | Abstractions
A LITTLE BACK STORY I’ve been creating art of one kind or another since childhood. But it wasn't till most of us, had time on our hands that none of expected to have, that my focus in design turned from graphic design in regards to type and art directon, turned to more visual artistic designs, as it were. I had started sharing my illustrations (showcased elsewhere on this site) on several Print on Demand sites, after I had discovered them online. As an artist in search of a way to get your work out there, and of course another way to possibly earn a buck. Discovering these outlets for me were a very nice surprise. And the best part for me, they allow you to showcase your work on a variety of items, from posters to post cards, prints to t-shirts, even shower curtains, masks, dresses, and more. Approximately 95 or more depending on which P.O.D., and and happily lovely people out there who find you on these sites can order and buy your art. I did however discover that some of my illustrations and sketches because of the art's dimensions, didn't translate well on many of the items. So sadly to make it work, most of them had to be cropped, or altered to work for each specific shape and product. Unfortunately the suggested 'patterns' they offered to make it work visually, seemed to make matters worse. But the suggestions of patterns, started my mind thinking…
THE INSPIRATION About 4 or 5 years back, on a cold winter's night I was stopped in my tracks by a beautiful gate, which hung, seemingly floating in front of a beautfully lit brick wall. And as is my nature, I stood for 15 to 20 minutes, not feeling the frigid cold, just getting lost in the visual, I let my imagination go crazy. Eventually I took several photos on my iPhone, took one last look and left to go home. Actually shared several of them on Instagram as well.
SO WITH THE THOUGHTS OF PATTERNS playing in my head, one evening while I was actually looking for something else, I once again was confronted by one of the photo's of the gate I had taken. But after originally being stopped in my tracks, this time instead I started sketching. By hand at first, but then I started translating my skethes into my computer, into an Indesign file. And after a few minutes I had created much to my delight, a design, a pattern, that made me sit up and go yes. I then brought it into photoshop and went to town, and before I was finished I had designed over 75 variations on the same original design.
Then came the test, I went to Redbubble, one of several P.O.D. sites that my illustrations are on. And after a few attempts my vision came to fruition. Which was when the light bulb went off, and I really started having fun.
You will discover that as my designs grew, and the ideas kept seemingily coming out of thin air, my subject matter expanded as well. I mean as my website showcases, I have a lot of interests, why shouldn't my designs demonstrate that as well. So you will discover my designs are not just shapes, colors, abstractions, or patterns, I also delved into politics and gay rights.
BELOW is one of my designs, and a nice assortment of the items which my art is on, that are available at Redbubble.
DESIGNS GALLERY Please check out the all new Designs Gallery, showcasing many of the designs I've created in the last 2 years or so. Which also include the 15 you can see at the top of this page. And/or If you head over to my Redbubble shop, there you can view over 700 of my designs, graphics, patterns, and abstractions. Along with a few other assorted categories as well. Any questions, ask.
Galleries Online + Stores A place to buy my art as prints and more… My art blog, lots of A place to buy my art as prints and more… Gallery, plus option to buy prints… Gallery… plus… Updates for art and acting