Political Commentary, Me?
NEILIZMS Political commentary, me? Why? I'm an artist, an actor, a graphic designer, and a produced playwright, isn't that enough for one person? I guess my answer to that is no. I'm also an American citizen and a member of the human race. But who was I to spout off my opinions? Why do I think I have anything interesting to say that others might want to read? Aren't there already enough talking heads and already too many blogs without yet another added to the pile? Simply put, with all the craziness I was reading about, all the insanity I was seeing on television and in real life, I simply needed an outlet to say the things I was was thinking to myself. I also had noticed that my once short commentaries on Facebook had been transforming into novellas. As they say, my itch to express my political feelings grew way to strong to resist any longer. So when I decided to launch a political blog, I needed to come up with a name for the blog. I've been using the term Neilizms since I was a teen way back in the 1970's. Usually it referred to a word or expression I came up with out of thin air. For example 'I've been surgerized' which was my answer to explaining the scar on my right hand. I had broken it while living in Los Angeles, and had to have an operation repairing my right index finger from inside of my hand. So upon thinking what I should call my commentaries, Neilizms seemed to be the logical choice to call the blog. The blog launched, the rest as they say is history.
Now with over 300,000 page views, simply thanks!? Fourteen years ago, in Oct 2011, I launched my little political blog, www.Neilizms.blogspot.com, simply because I couldn’t just sit back any longer, silently, watching our nation seemingly going backwards or worse. I was more then thrilled that 5 people even found my 1st entry. And even after the site’s url was shortened to www.neilizms.com, I was stunned to discover in July 2018, the sites page visits had reached an incredible 100,000 visits! Now with over 400 Neilizms, the momentum happily hasn’t slowed down yet, and as of February 21, 2025, the blog has now reached an unbelievable 301,899 views!
To go directly to Neilizms, please go to the the link www.neilizms.com