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A LITTLE BACK STORY: In 1999, I decided it was time to step out of the shadows, to at least try to place one foot into the spotlight, and attempt my hand at acting. Always a dream, a fantasy, I needed to discover if I had the talent to make those dreams become my reality. I needed to as they say perform. In the years since, I’ve had the great good fortune of appearing on a New York City stage over 900 times, became a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and had the chance to get my feet wet on film, television, online and commercial projects. I’ve even got the chance to 'play' myself on stage, in a little play I wrote entitled 'Whats Wrong with this Picture? I’m in it!' in the New York international Fringe Festival. I've also launched my very own You Tube channel, so now I have a place online where people can discover and watch what I've been lucky enough to have done so far as a performer. Above you will see my latest actors reel, showcasing some of the projects I've been lucking enough to have acted in. All I can say is, so far so good. Can't wait to see where the next stage of my career takes me. Any questions, ask
Scenes From Projects I've Worked On
What's wrong with this picture? I'm in it!
WHO SAYS ART DOESN'T IMITATE LIFE: 'Whats Wrong with this Picture? I’m in it!' a comedic look back at my life. is a play which I wrote in 2003. Which helps answer the question I used to get a lot, 'so you've never been married?', The lead character name is Russel. Incidentially my middle name is Russel. During the play's development, when I learned the wonderful news that my first play was gonna be produced, at The Thirteenth Street Repertory Company, I was also informed I wouldn't be allowed to act in the production. Which I wasn't happy with, but the good thing was I could then actually focus on the play itself, and not my performance in it. It worked out really well as during it's rehearsal period, I added several new scenes to the show. After it's successful run, in 2004, I entered the play into The New York International Fringe Festival, and it was accepted and produced. And this time, I got the chance to play the lead, on stage at the Soho Playhouse.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SHOW, and to see a performance from the Fringe on video, please check out the What's Wrong Play page here on this site.
'LINE' BY ISRAEL HORIVITZ: In January 2001, while making my New York City stage debut at Thirteenth Street Repertory, in their annual production of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol, as Bob Cratchit, my repertory assignment was doing tech for the theatre's major production, 'Line', which ran for 44 years at the rep and is the longest running show in off-off Broadway history.
During it's run, during one of the shows, when I finally could stop worrying about my tech part, I sat back and felt like a thunderbolt had struck me. Instantly realizing why I had entered that theatre. I had found a role, I felt in my bones I was born to play, Arnall. When my run in A Christmas Carol was ending, I queried if they were ever looking for actors for 'Line' … and before I knew it, I was auditoning to play Arnall in the show. I guess I passed, because 2 days later I went up for the first time, and happily my gut reaction, was right. By the time I left the show, over a dozen years later I had performed the role of Arnall in 'Line' over 750 times in., usually twice weekly. I then took on the role of Fleming, and eventually performed Dolan as well. Then for fun, I alternated all 3 roles for a while.
SHOWCASED BELOW is a performance of the show at the TSRC shot on my birthday on July 30, 2007. It featuring (in order of appearance) Joseph Wortman as Fleming, Liche Ariza as Stephen, Maureen O’Boyle as Molly, Ronnie Davidson as Dolan & yours truly Neil Feigeles as Arnall. (Sorry about the video quality.)
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Other Projects I've Worked On
To Learn More Online
Please visit my Youtube channel, to see videos, and various project I've done so far
www.imdb.me/neilfeigeles www.backstage.com/NeilFeigeles https://talent.castingfrontier.com/neil-feigeles
Please visit my Youtube channel, to see videos, and various project I've done so f